domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

For a new national project

More than 60 citizens said, in a pamphlet published on page 13 of this newspaper on Saturday, November 5, the following: "What we need are legal and legitimate governments, real democracy and fundamental changes. For this reason, those who seek a change not believe it is possible through government programs confusing and vague, or worse, through alliances or coalitions with those who do not want to change, with the builders and defenders of the status quo is unacceptable to us tax ie with the PAN or the PRI, who have amply demonstrated their lack of commitment to democracy and no commitment to Mexico and Mexicans. " Let's talk something about this national project. Ends deployed, "That is the project headed by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador." It is essential that in our country we have a democratic life, and that participation of the population is given in the different areas. The people directly to participate in the different areas. And along with this must be an end to corruption at the federal, state and local levels. Moreover, I believe that the corruption of public officials should be a felony. Corruption would be a denial of people's participation. EMBs should no longer be controlled by the parties. Furthermore, it should include mechanisms of participatory democracy, such as consultation, plebiscite, referendum, popular initiative to enact laws, the action of the people against judicial authorities, the revocation of the mandate and accountability. Citizens must be free to complain or sue. Another necessary element for a democratic regime is to have democratic media also. Culture should be strengthened and information from people, not alienate. They are important coexistence, friendship and brotherly attitude in our society. To protect the economy will be promoted popular movements against the light increases, gas, gasoline and other goods and services; against excessive bank charges against the housing mortgage loans, against the high cost and layoffs. It is vital to boosting oil and electrical industries, levers of national development, strategic, integrated and national property. Currently the delivery of the goods of the nation, especially to foreign companies is increasing. Not only in the oil itself, but petrochemical plants and other goods have been delivering more and more. Since electricity is generated in greater proportion by private companies for the nation. Should be encouraged particularly industries directly and indirectly generate a high number of jobs that consume domestically produced raw materials and have utility for the country. An important case is the railway, including high speed. They consume less energy than other means of transport, and are cheaper to the public. It is important to promote the countryside and rural activity in general. We must achieve food self-sufficiency. You must maintain the health of those who will consume these foods, protecting them from excessive profit at the expense of nutritional quality. Avoid predatory mining as we see at every turn. Excavated from the surface and kill crops, livestock, houses, etc., and take the gold and silver as in colonial times. Mining should be national, to care for the natural resources and is useful for industry and national economic activities. You must protect the health of the miners and their source of work. They have reduced the resources to public education and has encouraged, even with public funds, private education increasingly expensive. Should be left private education for those who have sufficient resources, and promote public for everyone else. There should be rejected in higher education, as now, often for lack of resources. It must return to civilization curriculum. The recent changes are aimed at creating graduates without culture, without basic and simple philosophy and as employees for private companies. Should be promoted widely in science and technology, not only in teaching but in research and development. These are just examples that illustrate what should be the new national project.

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