domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

storyteller calderonland ,mexico

For the fifth time the storyteller of Los Pinos grabbed the microphone at the Campo Marte and returned to tell his story to live better "(calderolandia, revised and expanded version of foxilandia):" It sounds easy, but ours, inasmuch as it see, is a growing economy with low inflation and job creation ... And from the lowest point of the crisis, since June 2009, Mexico has generated one million 670 thousand net new jobs for Mexicans, that is, jobs registered, paid for his labor-management fee, and discounted and the disclaimers and liquidations.Mexico grows and creates jobs with low rates of inflation "(at the expense of starvation wages, of course).Felipe Calderón meets wall: his government has been a resounding failure, the economy reported an average annual rate of "growth" of 1.5 percent in five years, one of the smallest in the world, low inflation, but at the expense of eaten purchasing power of wages and, hence, social welfare, and a formal job each day with fewer benefits, which averaged barely 287 000 seats per year in the last three years (possible 43 percent of them),In the first instance is the increase in poverty (12.2 million more, to add 57.7 million people if the problem is measured by income). This imbalance has been caused by an unemployment level that is higher than in 2006 (the beginning of this administration). Particularly delicate is the fact that most cities have been affected, that is, where has the highest population concentration, which summarizes the social insurance programs do not go far enough to address those weaknesses caused by poor conditions labor market, "as well review (By the last year in office) the Center for Economics and Business Research (CIEN) of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico. Sum up the adverse conditions facing young people: 7.8 million Mexicans between 12 and 29 years do not study or work, which places Mexico (according to the OECD) in the penultimate place in the organization. "This makes clear that a significant proportion of people of working age are not in an activity that allows them to overcome their marginalization."The overflow of organized crime in some states of the country is central to the understanding of why there is no sustained recovery and consistent in what investment is concerned. Another element that folds over the last year of government is the inability to achieve the economy has increased the purchasing power of workers, the cycle to contain inflation by controlling wages in just makes economic policy can affect achieved without first increasing the productivity of Mexico. "
The rate of working poverty trends (ITPL) shows that the percentage of people who have incomes below the value of the basket has increased substantially (22 percent between 2006 and 2011). More worrying is that the unemployment population increased 65 percent over the current administration, while the registration of workers insured by the IMSS rose only 11 percent in the same period.It can not be neglected the loss of purchasing power of workers: the real per capita labor income (deflated by the price index of basic goods) has fallen 24 percent, "says the Cien.
Added to this, there are over 3 million Mexican workers who receive no remuneration, more than 6 million gain to a minimum wage or less, more than 30 million have no access to health care and another 12 million not have no benefit other than health, and 13.4 million in the informal sector. " Slices of cake All this is documented, but the storyteller says, "whatever it is you see (Mexican) is a growing economy with low inflation and employment generation."
And it was so cool.

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